2525 Wycliff Ave
Dallas, TX 75219
Oishii is one of my all time favorite places to eat, especially for lunch, when soup comes with every meal. It's one of those places that you can feel completely confident when suggesting it because you just know your friends will love it. From the outside Oishii looks like one of those places that you would usually just drive on by. It's located in a strip mall that is just barely on the wrong side of the Dallas North Tollway, neighbored by Sal's Pizza and some leather/bondage shop (not that there's anything wrong with that) that I would be very nervous about going into even with the girlfriend.
Dallas, TX 75219
Oishii is one of my all time favorite places to eat, especially for lunch, when soup comes with every meal. It's one of those places that you can feel completely confident when suggesting it because you just know your friends will love it. From the outside Oishii looks like one of those places that you would usually just drive on by. It's located in a strip mall that is just barely on the wrong side of the Dallas North Tollway, neighbored by Sal's Pizza and some leather/bondage shop (not that there's anything wrong with that) that I would be very nervous about going into even with the girlfriend.
If you can resist the urge to drive by and go back to Steel (where Thanh, the owner, polished his skills) or Tei Tei again, you will be rewarded with an excellent dining experience for half the price. The interior has an easy going relaxed atmosphere with seating at the sushi bar or at regular tables.
(That's Thanh behind the counter making a fabulous something or other)
The food is some of the most consistent I've had anywhere. We started with a few of our favorite rolls and a little sashimi. An Oishii roll, a crispy tuna roll, a volcano roll and white tuna sashimi called escalon (sp?).
(Crispy Tuna Roll top, and Oishii Roll bottom)(Escolar Tataki)
man, that place sounds great! and your review is so thorough, are you a professional food critic or is this a hobby? any other good recommendations for fun, tasty dallas restaurants? you sound like a very reliable source on good food.
well kristina, you sound like a very intellegent, good looking, person, so I will do my best to add more restaurants. thanks for for the comment.
I really enjoyed this review. I will definitely check this page out when I'm deciding where to go.
good write-up Cork, i didn't know you had it in you.
btw, who's the hottie in the pink shirt in the top pic?
i cant believe i had to create an account to leave a damn comment. the inaugural entry was good but im afraid that its no wwtd. im hoping that in the future you will try to include a picture of snagglefugs or maybe a video of a drunk david hasselhoff. i dont know if you take requests but ive heard good things about a pizza place call luigis. have you heard of it?
First you get a girlfriend, then you start your own blog, what's next....I stop doin your sister?
it took you three tries and 5 hours to come up with that comment, come on man, you're better than that . . .
I gave details of our love affair on the first one. After reading it I didn't feel right so I changed it. I'll put them back up if you want...remember, she enjoys swallowing
I just cant understand how Cory thinks he is some sort of expert when it comes to food. Frist he has had 2 good hits, Kellers and Louies. Other than that a lot of "K's" (cary that is baseball lingo for strike out). For instance, the Burger place in SOC - Garbage. The BBQ place that he took us too - Terrible. OZONA - over rated. The list goes on and on. If we want to talk about some food, let his folks whip up some vittles (chicken fried or fish fries) = OKRA. OPther than that all I have left to say is: San Demius High School Football RULES!
I agree San Demius High School rules!
I think we can all agree that sisters are off limits. except maybe for mike davidson's sister. how was that by the way? isnt she a ginger? maybe we can all agree to use spell check from now on too. thats not directed at anybody in particular, especially people with disleksia, but if it takes me 10 minutes to read every comment im never going to get anything done.
when's the next post, C? I need to know where to go eat since I seem to never actually go with y'all when you visit these places.
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